Master Paints - Online Shopping System
Master Paints Industries (Pvt) Limited is one of Pakistan’s leading Paint Manufacturing organizations. Formed in 1975, the foremost objective of the company was to introduce modern paint technology in Pakistan.
Meeting rooms are the main component of an office. Meeting rooms offer private space for meetings, discussion of confidential matters and accommodation of formal collaborative gatherings.
Whether it is a standard meeting room for large gatherings that is used mainly for formal meetings and consist of a large table where all the participants have access to each other. Or a small more casual one for informal meetings, generally consists of a small round table of lower height and lounge chairs. A meeting room has to be carefully designed to serve its purpose best and to avoid hindrance from noise or get disturbed with other activities going on in the office.
Comfortable office chairs, proper lighting and a noise free room is best for concentration. The overall design must not have any elaborate details on walls to avoid distraction; minimalist design is the key point. Meeting rooms should be comfortable and inviting to collaborate, deal, brainstorm and discuss important matters.